journey of a dream.


Who dreamt of clouds passing behind flowers

in the heart of a dying star

of chess pieces and toy soldiers

of falling in love

feeling pain


of looking back into light

seeing beauty without answer.

Star after star

dream after dream

flower after flower.

may you have peace of mind, love of world.

5 Responses to “journey of a dream.”

  1. AmericaOnCoffee Says:

    I love this many times over!❤️🍮🍮🔔

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Aloha gary j
    Once me, a lucid dreamer since more than 30 years
    i was dreaming ’bout becoming father
    the name of a kid to be born was givin* me as a gift
    gotta say that my beloved and i, we didn’t wanted to know
    the gender before birth
    thus i percepted the sun coming up
    moving from left to right behind a cloud
    as i was standing on a beautiful island
    magma was floating there and dust in the air
    something / ~one whispered KEANU TAL to me
    and the sound was streaming
    through and in my body and mind

    next day i told my beloved that a name for a boy
    was given me by a dream
    she declined the first part of the name
    ’cause of her believing
    that everybody else will think
    of an homage concerning Keanu Reeves

    and then our l’il girl named CHE… was born

    lovely thanks for your words on top
    which reminded of a very intense situation in my life

    may you have peace of mind too
    and whole lotta unconditionally love in your heart

    Liked by 1 person

    • thankyou for a most wonderful response! Aloha. peace and love to you and yours.

      Liked by 1 person

      • even if you are living on the other side of our wonderful spaceship Pachamama
        me giving humble thanks to what and who you are
        Que todas tus relaciones sanen
        con los de atrás, con los de adelante
        con los concebidos y no nacidos
        con lo nacido y no visto
        con el cielo, con la tierra
        con el fuego y con el viento
        Qué todas las relaciones sanen
        Mitakuye Oyasin

        Liked by 1 person

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